Woodlot Certification

Since 2009, the FNSWO has been building a Forest Certification Program for private woodlot owners across Nova Scotia. Our programs provide an opportunity for private woodlot owners to certify their woodlots under an internationally recognized set of standards for forest management under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC SLIMF) and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA Z804). Contact Us to find out if this program can help you, your family, and your forests.


What’s in it for you?

  • You receive a low cost forest management plan for your woodlot, based on your objectives, written to a high standard, by a forest professional. Your management plan will include a detailed inventory of your woodlot identifying potential silvicultural and harvest treatments.

  • A forest professional will periodically monitor harvesting and silviculture activities on your woodlot to ensure they comply with the certification standard. FNSWO will maintain all  certification related documentation required to administer the certification.

  • You will have access to dedicated silviculture funding for Certified Woodlots through woodlot owner training courses, field events , and the opportunity to meet like –minded individuals who care about responsible forest management.

  • A woodlot management plan will help you qualify for the Intergenerational Tax Transfer program and will allow your provincial property tax classification as "Forest Resource" resulting in a lower tax rate for your property.

  • You will have the potential for increased revenues from the sale of certified wood products and access to unique markets.

Intergenerational Tax Transfer:

FNSWO is dedicated to educating their members and the public regarding the importance of multigenerational education. Each year less people from younger generations are connected to land management in Nova Scotia and it poses an immediate problem on those who wish to protect private land and maintain healthy forests. FNSWO has a solution to that - Contact Us for more.